A sweet and dear friend of mine in Tahiti set up the backbone of this website for me. I wanted to do something for her in return, so with her permission, I connected with the energy and guidance that surrounds her. I thought what was conveyed was a beautiful and hopefully encouraging message for her. She is truly, “hitting it out of the park”, and to me, it served as a reminder of a way of being and living to aspire toward.
…A free spirit, that wee one, yes, she is free like the wind and wise beyond her earthly years. She marches to the beat of her own drum and her own heart. She knows and understands now what many search for, for a lifetime and do not see. She sees the beauty and wonder of the world and this earthly life. She touches the present moment daily with eyes of wonder and a heart of gratitude. She walks in this world as we in the Heavens wish so many others would do. We say to throw up your arms to the constriction of a world that asks you to be and believe what you do not. This dear child of the Heavens does that. She lives her life as who she authentically is and this is a wish the Heavens have for every soul now walking the earth and dimensions beyond as well.
We say to her, wee one, do not worry or fret about if or where you are going or what you will be doing. You are doing perfectly and beautifully well. Live your life day to day in awe and splendor as you do right now. We will always deliver to you whatever it is you need dear one as long as you hold true to who you are. The sky is not a limit, it is an opening to the immensity of possibilities. That possibility is yours each and every day. Continue to give thanks and gratitude as you do now daily, and the riches of a life well lived will shower you in its warm penetrating drops of love and bliss.
There is no need to seek, to earn, to achieve...the only need is to simply be, and to allow the Universe to deliver to you the next step, the next direction, the next adventure. You hold within you wee one all that you seek. The only reason it is confusing at times is because you do not believe you have the ability to see that path clearly. But you do dear one, you do and you are navigating beautifully.
Speak to us the desires of your heart and we will show you the way to those desires and to the life you seek. It will be given wee one because you have such great faith and gratitude for what life has already bestowed upon you.
We love you, we carry you, we walk with you always, and we will never set you down or leave you alone on this journey. Thank you beautiful child for giving to this world the beautiful and true being that you are. This is why others are attracted to you sweet one. They see that you love life with gratitude and joy, that you are who you authentically are and they desire to learn how to do this for themselves. We are so very proud of you, so humbled by the beautiful being of your Spirit...continue to celebrate life, you, your loved ones, and your current and future life. We want you to relax into the beauty of your being by going inward. We want you to be still within yourself-it is there that you will hear us whisper our love to you.
Goodbye dear, until we meet again, and we will meet in this lifetime. You will clearly hear and feel us when you are ready and we promise, when you are, we will be there. We always have been and we always will be.
Much love,
Your Team of Cheerleaders in the Heavens